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Man on ladder
Painters – Basic


24/7 immediate access to the most up-to-date information according to the latest legislation

    • How to use and implement safety in your business
    • Safety in 5 Easy Steps
    • Glossary of Terms
    • 1 x pre-filled WHS Management Plan
    • 2 x pre-filled SWMS for Painters
    • Bonus: 1 x Blank SWMS Template
* – only while your subscription is active
  • Normally: $497/year Limited Time: $397/year
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  • If entered, this will appear on the invoice, replacing the First and Last Name.

If you’d prefer to pay by direct bank deposit, enter your details below and you’ll be sent our bank details automatically.

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    If you need to provide your Accounts department an invoice prior to making the purchase, fill in the details below and within 1 business day we’ll email you an invoice for them.

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      You can cancel your annual subscription at any time which will stop any future recurring payments. You will still have access to everything in your subscription until it expires at the end of the current period.

      90% of our customers download their pre-filled safety documents within 4 minutes of purchasing. Can you beat this time?